Time together….

As I sit on the patio watching boats go by I vision the lives these people have had. All retired and retreating to their “Winter” homes.

What was life like before they had a beautiful house on the lake and a boat? Did they ever live paycheck to paycheck or worry about feeding their Kids? Do they even have kids. Did they work 2 jobs while trying to get in soccer games and cheer practices?

There is so much beauty out here and so many untold stories. Will I get to know these people one day and hear their stories? Was all the work and time missed worth what they now have?

One boat summed it up tonight. It’s name “Time Together”. As they sipped wine and cruised by I couldn’t help but smile.  Yes it was worth it as now they reap the reward of spending their final years together with no worries or interruptions. Just time with one another.Screenshot_20171028-184026.png


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